Kisah Islam Balasan Ekspres@MasKhay

Balasan Ekspres

Seorang pemuda yang dulunya pernah studi di benua benua Eropa bercerita bahwa ketika dia masih di sana, ada seorang laki-laki 'Bule' masuk Islam. Setelah masuk Islam, kondisinya berubah, dia benar-benar serius dan antusias sekali menjalankan syari'at Islam secara kaffah (menyeluruh). Bahkan dia dengan bangga menampakkan keislamannya dan membangga-banggakannya di hadapan orang-orang kafir tanpa malu atau ragu-ragu sedikitpun, sekalipun tanpa momen. Yang jelas, dia selalu antusias untuk itu.

Dia menceritakan bahwa suatu hari, pada salah satu perusahaan milik orang kafir tercantum pengumuman lowongan kerja. Dia bergegas untuk melamar dengan penuh kebanggaan kepada agama barunya ini. Dia harus menghadiri interview dan bersaing untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan tersebut. Tatkala interview dimulai, panitia khusus penerimaan karyawan baru pada perusahaan tersebut mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan yang diantaranya, "Apakah kamu minum khamar?."

Si muslim yang bangga akan keislamannya ini menjawab, "Saya tidak meminum khamar sebab saya ini orang Islam dan agama saya melarang hal itu."

Lalu panitia bertanya lagi, "Apakah kamu punya teman kencan wanita?."
"Tidak, sebab agama Islam yang saya anut ini mengharamkan saya melakukan itu dan hanya membatasi hubungan saya dengan isteri yang saya nikahi sesuai dengan syari'at Allah Ta'ala saja, " jawabnya lagi.

Setelah itu diapun keluar dari ruangan dengan rona wajah setengah putus asa. Dia tidak yakin akan lulus dalam interview tersebut. Namun ternyata hasilnya amat mencengangkan. Semua peserta interview yang demikian banyak tersebut, tidak satupun yang lulus. Hanya dia saja yang lulus.

Oleh karena itu, dia segera menghadap panitia tersebut sembari bertanya-tanya, "Saya sebenarnya menunggu-nunggu penolakan kalian terhadap saya dalam pekerjaan ini. Soalnya saya tidak sepaham dengan agama kalian dan telah memeluk Islam, akan tetapi saya malah terperanjat, kok saya bisa diterima padahal banyak sekali saudara-saudara kalian yang sesama agama Nashrani juga ikut interview bersama saya. Sebenarnya, ada apa sih?.", tanyanya.

Panitia tersebut memberikan alasannya, "Sesungguhnya calon pegawai untuk pekerjaan ini syaratnya harus orang yang sigap dalam segala kondisi dan ingatannya harus sehat. Sedangkan orang yang meminum khamar, tidak mungkin memenuhi persyaratan ini. Kami memang sedang menunggu-nunggu diantara sekian banyak pelamar tersebut, siapa diantara mereka yang tidak meminum khamar. Namun karena hanya anda yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut, maka kami menjatuhkan pilihan pada anda untuk job ini. "

Sungguh, apa lagi hal yang dapat mencegah seorang Muslim untuk berbohong, memanipulasi atau bermain dengan kata-kata?…Tentu, tidak lain adalah ketakwaannya. Maka, tidak ada lain berkah yang diberikan Allah kepada orang-orang yang bertakwa selain kemudahan dan rizki yang tidak disangka-sangka.

(Diambil dari buku "Qashash Imâniyyah Ma'a al-Muttaqîn", karya 'Adil bin Muhammad al-'Abdul 'Aliy, h.31-32)

Islam story Doing due Arrogant@MasKhay

Doing due Arrogant

This story is a personal experience of a Muslim woman who is a friend of mine in Sydney. He is a Muslim nationality Australia in studying the spirit of Islam should not be asked. Until he tried to stay in Saudi Arabia with her husband the Egyptian nationality to study there. After two years he returned to Australia and preach to Muslim women here. Especially English. This is his story that I hear it from him hopefully all Muslim women can benefit. Because this story is ana heard of him without knowing the detailed chronology of events that surely then I just tried to put in outline only, .. maybe ladies who lived in the Middle East have heard or even watched this true story. Where the incident occurred when he was there.

As we know that the command to wear the hijab for Muslim women in the Middle East is very strict. Rarely do we see the women opened the veil there when in reality when they are traveling abroad (travel), ... they open her headscarf (although not entirely just some of them). Where they wear the hooded simply because obey the commands of the state not to Allah subhanahu wat'aala.

This my friend, .. when was there a very happy because everywhere that he saw was the woman who was kept and veiled so that he does not feel alone. At that time he was with her husband went shopping in a mall (shopping center). So crowded ... advised his name is also a shopping .. but no one is annoying her. That's when he saw a woman walking in front of him without wearing a headscarf. Yes, .. the woman does not wear a headscarf. Look so happy without the veil. With tight clothes and invite the attention of men. He does not care.

Perhaps because they feel uncomfortable, .. a man came to him and suggested that she covered her head with a veil or headscarf.

The man said: "O woman, .. fear God .... thou shalt not make God angry, put on the veil !!!
The woman replied: "For what ?? Does he get angry at me ?? When he angrily let him contact me through this my cell phone !! "less so the woman answers .. underestimate Allah subhanahu wata'ala bestows so many favors to him.

My friend was very surprised to hear the woman answers earlier. She felt scared when siwanita would eventually harm as a result of the speech and arrogance. Just got the woman had walked a step or two legs arrogantly she suddenly slipped. That's when she slipped and fell over in a flash position is like a person who would deathbed (near death) followed by discharge from the anus scattered emit bad odor. People around that too panicked. Soon he too died.

My friend was very shocked by the incident, .. because as if like a dream or as not a true story only happens in the movies only. Immediately he went home and did not go shopping because it was still shocked by the incident.

From the above incident beliaupun arrival in Sydney convey the story to everyone she saw Muslim women here to always obey His commands and stay away from all His prohibitions, and that we always ask the end of good life or Husnul khatimah. Hopefully the story above we can take the lesson.

Kisah Islam Akhirnya Dia Mati Seperti Keledai@MasKhay

Akhirnya Dia Mati Seperti Keledai
By :

Kisah ini terjadi di Universitas 'Ain Syams, fakultas pertanian di Mesir. Sebuah kisah yang amat masyhur dan dieksposs oleh berbagai media massa setempat dan sudah menjadi buah bibir orang-orang di sana.

Pada tahun 50-an masehi, di sebuah halaman salah satu fakultas di negara Arab (Mesir-red.,), berdiri seorang mahasiswa sembari memegang jamnya dan membelalakkan mata ke arahnya, lalu berteriak lantang, "Jika memang Allah ada, maka silahkan Dia mencabut nyawa saya satu jam dari sekarang!."

Ini merupakan kejadian yang langka dan disaksikan oleh mayoritas mahasiswa dan dosen di kampus tersebut. Menit demi menitpun berjalan dengan cepat hingga tibalah menit keenampuluh alias satu jam dari ucapan sang mahasiswa tersebut. Mengetahui belum ada gejala apa-apa dari ucapannya, sang mahasiswa ini berkacak pinggang, penuh dengan kesombongan dan tantangan sembari berkata kepada rekan-rekannya, "Bagaimana pendapat kalian, bukankah jika memang Allah ada, sudah pasti Dia mencabut nyawa saya?." Para mahasiswapun pulang ke rumah masing-masing. Diantara mereka ada yang tergoda bisikan syaithan sehingga beranggapan, "Sesunguhnya Allah hanya menundanya karena hikmah-Nya di balik itu." Akan tetapi ada pula diantara mereka yang menggeleng-gelengkan kepala dan mengejeknya.

Sementara si mahasiswa yang lancang tadi, pulang ke rumahnya dengan penuh keceriaan, berjalan dengan angkuh seakan dia telah membuktikan dengan dalil 'aqly yang belum pernah dilakukan oleh siapapun sebelumnya bahwa Allah benar tidak ada dan bahwa manusia diciptakan secara serampangan; tidak mengenal Rabb, tidak ada hari kebangkitan dan hari Hisab.

Dia masuk rumah dan rupanya sang ibu sudah menyiapkan makan siang untuknya sedangkan sang ayah sudah menunggu sembari duduk di hadapan hidangan. Karenanya, sang anak ini bergegas sebentar ke 'Wastapel' di dapur. Dia berdiri di situ sembari mencuci muka dan tangannya, kemudian mengelapnya dengan tissue. Tatkala sedang dalam kondisi demikian, tiba-tiba dia terjatuh dan tersungkur di situ, lalu tidak bergerak-gerak lagi untuk selama-lamanya.

Yah…dia benar-benar sudah tidak bernyawa lagi. Ternyata, dari hasil pemeriksaan dokter diketahui bahwa sebab kematiannya hanyalah karena ada air yang masuk ke telinganya!!. 

Mengenai hal ini, Dr.'Abdur Razzaq Nawfal -rahimahullah- berkata, "Allah hanya menghendaki dia mati seperti keledai!."

Sebagaimana diketahui berdasarkan penelitian ilmiah bahwa bila air masuk ke telinga keledai atau kuda, maka seketika ia akan mati?!!!.

(Sumber: Majalah "al-Majallah", volume bulan Shafar 1423 H sebagai
yang dinukil oleh Ibrahim bin 'Abdullah al-Hâzimiy dalam bukunya "Nihâyah
azh-Zhâlimîn", Seri ke-9, h.73-74

Islam Story Whoever abandons something for the sake of Allaah, He will replace it for him with something better than it@MasKhay

Whoever abandons something for the sake of Allah,
He will replace it for him with something better than it

The teacher of our teachers,[1] the great scholar and historian, Shaikh Muhammad Raaghib At-Tabbaakh, rahimahullaah, mentioned the following story in his book “I’laam an-Nubalaa bi-Taareekh Halab ash-Shuhabaa” (7/231):

“Shaikh Ibraaheem Al-Hilaalee Al-Halabee – a pious and noble scholar – traveled to Al-Azhar University in search of knowledge. While seeking knowledge, he became very poor and used to rely on charity. One time, several days passed by and he did not find anything to eat, so he became extremely hungry.

So he came out of his room in Al-Azhar to ask for some scraps of food. He found an open door from which a pleasant smell of food was coming out of. So he entered the door and found himself in a kitchen with no one around. There he found some tempting food, so he grabbed a spoon and dipped it in, but when he lifted it to his mouth, he held himself back from eating it, since he realized that he had not been given permission to eat from it. So he left it and returned to his room in the dormitory of Al-Azhar, still hungry and starving.

But no less than an hour passed by, when one of his teachers, accompanied by another man, came into his room. And his teacher said to him: ‘This noble man came to me seeking a righteous student of knowledge to choose for marrying his daughter, and I have chosen you for him. So rise and come with us to his home where we can complete the marriage contract between you and his daughter and you can become part of his household.’ So Shaikh Ibraaheem struggled to get to his feet, obeying the command of his teacher and went with them. And behold they took him to the very same house he had been to, and which he had entered and dipped the spoon into the food!

So when he sat down, the girl’s father married her to him and the food was brought out. It was the same food he had put the spoon into before and which he abandoned. But now he ate from it and said to himself: ‘I withheld from eating it when I had no permission, but now Allaah has given me this food with permission.’

Afterward, this righteous wife went back with him to Halab, after he had finished his studies. And she bore righteous children for him.”

So this is the fruit of patience and this is the result of having taqwaa, as Allaah says: “And whoever has Taqwaa of Allaah, He will make a way out for him (from hardship), and He will provide for Him from places He never imagined.” [Surah At-Talaaq: 2-3]

But as for those who are hasty – those who do not distinguish between the truth and falsehood, seeking after the transitory vanities of this worldly life – they will never experience anything but grief and sorrow in their hearts, for they will never attain the worldly life nor will they ever achieve Religion.

This is because they forget – or perhaps neglect – the saying of Allaah: “Is not Allaah sufficient for His servant?” [Surah Az-Zumar: 36]

As for those who are patient and firm and who have Taqwaa, they will gain ascendancy in this life and glory and honor with their Lord on the Day of Judgement. And Allaah says: “So give the glad tidings to the patient ones.” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 155] And He says: “Verily, the patient ones will be given their reward without any reckoning.” [Surah Az-Zumar: 10]


[1] Translator’s Note: He is referring to Imaam Al-Albaanee, who was a student of Shaikh Muhammad Raaghib At-Tabbaakh.

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