



Name of group :
1.    Avinda Rahma Ningrum
2.    Dewi Isma
3.    Dina Yulia ningrum
4.    Nur Muchayat Syukur
5.    Tya Rahmawati Putri

Vocational High School “ Wiyata Mandala “
Pare Street No. 10 Damarwulan Kepung Kediri

2016 / 2017




Date ..... was approved in January 2017 by:

 Preceptor I,                                                                                              Preceptor II,

Dra. Rohmah                                                                                     Yuyun Ariawati S.Pd

Kediri, ..... January 2017
Head of SMK Wiyata MANDALA,

Hj. Istinah, S.Pd


1.      "Do your best, be good you will become the best person"
“Lakukan yang terbaik, bersikaplah yang baik maka kau akan menjadi orang yang terbaik ”
2.      "If you fall a thousand times, stand up millions of times because you do not know how close you are to success"
“Jika Anda jatuh ribuan kali, berdirilah jutaan kali karena Anda tidak tahu seberapa dekat Anda dengan kesuksesan”
3.      "I did not fail, I just recently tried the thousands of executions that have not been successful"
“Saya tidak gagal, saya hanya baru mencoba ribuan eksekusi yang belum berhasil”
4.      "All that the impossible is possible for those who believe!"
“Semua yang tidak mungkin adalah mungkin bagi orang yang percaya!”


Praise Allah SWT has bestowed health, grace, mercy, and His guidance to us all, especially the writer and family. Him return all the credit, to Him do we seek help and forgiveness, and of blessing so that we can deliver results would report 20 December 2016 agenda “ THE ENGLISH REPORT INDUSTRIAL VISITS IN P.T AIR MANCUR AND VACATION IN JOGJA”
In compiling this report we get a lot of wisdom and valuable experience penglaman, of course, the author realizes it can not work alone but in cooperation with various parties. Then the completion of this task, the author
Kediri, 20 December 2016



Day / Date / Time
Tuesday/20-12-2016/09:00 – 20:30
Departure preparation in the school
Wednesday/21-12-2016/20:30 – 04:30
Traveling from school on where to eat buffet
Wednesday/21-12-2016/04:30 – 06:40
Shubuh prayers and breakfast as well as a break
Wednesday/21-12-2016/06:40 – 08:00
Trip to P.T Air Mancur Karang Anyar Central Java
Wednesday/21-12-2016/08:00 – 10:00
Show more recognition in P.T Air Mancur Karang Anyar Central Java
Wednesday/21-12-2016/10:00 – 11:20
A trip to the buffet again to eat a meal and dzuhur prayer and istiahat
Wednesday/21-12-2016/11:20 – 14:00
A trip to a place by the - by the food near the beach depok
Wednesday/21-12-2016/14:00 – 14:15
A trip to the beach in Depok
Wednesday/21-12-2016/14:15- 15:00
Roads - roads and delighted - delighted at the beach depok
Wednesday/21-12-2016/15:00 – 17:00
Trip to malioboro but to stop at a place to eat for breakfast afternoon
Wednesday/21-12-2016/17:00 – 18:15
Breakfast and afternoon breaks
Wednesday/21-12-2016/18-15 – 19:30
Breakfast afternoon and magrib prayer and breaks
Wednesday/21-12-2016/19:03 – 22:00
Malioboro to make the road trip - seeing and shopping
Thursday/22-12-2016/22:00 – 06:00
The return trip back to school


1.      Avinda Stories

My experience during visiting this industry is very pleasant for on the bus on the eve of my departure joking laughter with friends and spend the night with a movie together. a few hours on my way to eat in a house in the area of ​​Sragen itself if not one of the restaurant named "Taman Sari" and it was very early when I bathe and pray there, then I have breakfast with friends. After we finished our breakfast we headed for a visit is the first industry in PT. Air Mancur there we went to the meeting place and we told a brief history of the PT. Air Mancur ago we were invited to tour the place of processing and also taught how to brew herbal true and tasteful tasty. many new things that I get from the visit yesterday. What I wonder and strange experiment for medicinal really carefully made and was first applied to rats. However I am convinced after this visit I so know if herbs truly healthy body weight and good if taken as directed.

My unpleasant experience does not stop at the PT. Air Mancur that's it. I also feel happy to be on the shore that I think it was called "Pantai Depok" I sat there dipasir feel the wind blowing and the waves that hit me. There really wonderful I felt peaceful and was amazed by the majesty of God. I also had time to capture precious moments with selfie with friends and joking cheerfully. Prior to Depok Beach we have time to stop by the center-by Jogja there is less fun it's just a very cool air there that time so me and my friends selfie again. When the night was already beginning to look dark we go on to Malioboro there are many sellers of a variety of souvenirs and there are many shopping and food typical of Jogja very fun atmosphere lively. Once there I was shopping for souvenirs I went back to the bus and continue the journey home. Actually

I was not satisfied, but next time I could sense there again.
It's a real experience Avinda Rahmaningrum my story.

2.      Dina Yulia Nigrum Stories

On December 20, 2016 KLS XII SMK Wiyata MANDALA, followed visits indrustri to PT.Air Fountain, Depok Beach and Malioboro.

Around 8:30 pm went to Solo, and 04.00 got home eating Tamansari there we all shower, morning prayers and breakfast. After eating I and Rani went out to the streets and seek Alfamaret to look for a cool drink after a walk around the new 1kg up in Alfamart After completion buy cold drinks we went back home to wait very long meal .Because I and friends photo- first photo.

08:00 am go towards PT. Air Mancur located at Karang Anyar, Central Java .Arrived in PT. Air Mancur of 09.00, and then we get the smell of herbs has smelled very unpleasant, the smell of spices - spices typical of Indonesia is very tasty .My friends lasung friends get into our aula.Tapi very deny because we did not get to meet the owner PT. Air Mancur because there Jakarta.Di beliu is in our history tell PT. Air Mancur and developments to be Jamu Famous and Have many consumers.

After the completion of the presentation, we were invited to look around the laboratory and process menbuat herbs, we saw a lot of medicinal plants were planted around the factory. 12:30 we were out of the factory and headed home meal for midday prayers and lunch. after that we went to the beach Depok, Depok beach before we stopped first at the store by - by close

3.      Dewi Isma Stories
Experience Of Industry Visits

Here I will tell you my experience when in PT. Air Mancur in Karang Anyar Central Java. My friend and other -personal arrived at PT. Air Mancur on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 09:00 am precisely. After I got there I smell a bit pungent herbs and indeed PT. Air Mancur is a manufacturer of traditional herbal medicine.

Then I immediately went into the hall, there we were met by the owner PT. Air Mancur because he was no urgent business, ouch ,,,,, so sad dechhh ,,,, But, he was replaced at his employees are masters Sutarji to give instructions at us, and host Sutarji also explained the history of the fountain loch ,,,

A brief history of PT. PT. Air Mancur. Before standing begins with establishing the Home industry on 23 March 1963 and then in 1971 can only be set up factories in wonogiri and ditahun1974 could set up factories in Coral Anyar, Central Java.

Vision - mission PT. Air Mancur is a company that is very concerned about the quality and safety of products produced and provide the best services to achieve customer satisfaction.

After sir Sutarji provide briefing and introduction PT. Air Mancur, sir Sutarji invite around pubs, fun ,,, and returned to the hall and give Sutarji sir how to create and brew herbal medicine correctly.

Motivation I get from PT. Air Mancur is "Do not fear the success today, but follow its success". And visiting hours were over and then we went on to the next destination. Finished

4.      Nur Muchayat Syukur Stories


Okay ,,, before entering into the story, I will introduce themselves, although already know a lot about me, maybe there who do not know about who I am ?. introduce my name is nur Muchayat gratitude, I live in the city suwaru my father quite well known in my own area he is the silliest name is Masrur priest and my mother was a very callous until - until every watch TV series always crying. Here I will tell you about the visit of my industry and my holiday.

On 20 December 2016 right after my evening prayer preparation for inserting clothes into bags in preparation for going to school, after school until I was waiting for a bus and went to the buffet meal right there 4:30 hours there, I directly shower and eat - eat afterwards I walk disekira buffet area.

After I went to the buffet to the PT. Air Mancur, there directly sent into the hall by the employees and explained the ins and outs PT. Air Mancur described by employees of PT. Air Mancur itself whose name Sir Sutarji. after a few minutes later, sir Sutarji took us around the factory and back again to the hall, after which surtaji sir told me to stand front and as a practical way to mix and herbal brew correctly #Asyikk ,,,, indeed I was one cute cute, hence waved onward for example hehehe ,,,,,,,.

After a few minutes later sir Sutarji closing speech ,,,, finally my team and the other towards the beach nearby beach machete tritis Depok in Yogyakarta on the exact hour 15:00 pm here I am very happy to see so much since the creation of the almighty that GOD Almighty , but unfortunately somewhat diminished, I do not see the same lack of Nyai Roro Kidul mythical queen, because I am somewhat less well with her, because nyai Roro Kidul make misguided people -people and like to find a scapegoat.

After beach Depok, me and the other team went on a trip to malioboro, here many people shopping yach ,,,, but I am not spending because expensive-expensive, advised children of the rich big money - big later the seller did not have change #sok_cool hehehe ,,,,,,.

And finally I returned back home ,,,, the hours 22: 0 pm on December 21, 2016. #This story're done_where the story ,,, !!!!.

5.      Tya rahmawati Putri Stories

I was glad when PT. Air Mancur because there we got a new science,,, come on what science?,,,,, yes science of herbal medicine, not the science of love because PT. Air Mancur is the place where the herbs - herbal medicine made there.

We are introduced to the materials, tools, and ways of making herbal medicine. we also know when it began to be established and herbs to flourish to this day.

I think the company would have no trouble at all when established. it turned out, after I listened to the story of the employees of PT. Air Mancur Sir Sutarji that in establishing PT. Air Mancur Full road that twists - twists


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